Random sketch of woman, but after playing with the hair colour a bit, I decided that she was Cordelia Vorkosigan in my head. (My husband thinks she's too young to be Cordelia.)
This is the passage I had in my head when painting this: "She lifted her chin, above the stiff white lace collar of her blouse, adjusted the sleeves of her tan jacket, and kicked her knee absently against the long swirling skirt of a Vor-class woman, tan to match the jacket. The color comforted her, almost the same tan as her old Betan Astronomical Survey fatigues. She ran her hands over her red hair, parted in the middle and held away from her face by two enameled combs, and flopped it over her shoulders to curl loosely halfway down her back. Her grey eyes stared back at her from the pale face in the mirror. Nose a little too bony, chin a shade too long, but certainly a serviceable face, good for all practical purposes. "
Obviously, I've got the eye colour wrong--I'd make them grey if I revisit this.
baencd.thefifthimperium.com/24-CryoburnCD/CryoburnCD/Nove... - The book is here. In the second half, Cordelia has one of my most favourite moments in books EVAR with a memorable scene which I will not here describe other than to say it establishes her as a total badass. As TV Tropes calls it, it's a crowning moment of awesome that I don't want to spoil for you.